Sunday, February 27, 2022

Restarts...and Old Ford Tractors

     Before returning to regularly scheduled programming, since ending abruptly...11 years ago, i got a few things to say. 
     Apologies first, mainly to my family for not keeping up with this...11 years of our lives is way too much to miss, but the important thing is... that's over. i do have precious little to go back and add, and i will... but for now, here we are. 
     Next, social media as expressed earlier (when i first became involved and eventually led to the downfall of this log) is a time hole. I kinda hate it. it does serve a purpose, but if not very carefully managed... is nothing but an emotional drug. It's use can serve a positive purpose, but the abuse is a harmful addiction.
     That said, I'm excited to get this jump start.

Kinda like an old tractor that's sat in a field for years, thinking it may never run again. Occasionally, the farmer comes out to look at it or tinker in a few minor ways to see if it'll start again, but nothing.  The main problem being that he lost the key, and a making a new key without the old one isn't an option. Then, after years of neglect, he finally determines that today is the day to either get the tractor started or let it go for good... and yesterday, after hours of tinkering... a new key is turned, and the flywheel slowly begins to rotate with that familiar old " wow" the engine fires, old carbon laced smoke belches out of the stack, "wow, wow" and nothing. Wait, what? Nothing? Oh, maybe try some gas in the carburetor, "Wow, wow... wow, wowwowwow" another fiery belch out the stack and "WHOOOOM! She ignites and that old faithful methodical thump of churning pistons fills the ears and reverberates in the chest... "Alright old girl, let's get some work in."

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