We hit the snowcone shack at least 3X per week. Give me a choice between ice cream and a snow cone and i'll take the snow cone 9 of 10. I've got this jones for Salty Dogs, and i'll admit...i'm really kind of a junkie now.
The Royals have their fave's too...The Queen needs her Black Cherry fix, HRH likes "the dinosaur one" (though lately i'm seeing the genesis of the Salty Dog jones), The Prosecutor is hooked on Shrek's...and The Prince doesn't really care as long as it turns his tongue some other color...Batman, Spiderman...whatever superhero du jour...in fact, i've tried to talk the snowcone lady to incorporate a Wolverine into the menu... it would then be The Queen's fave.
The fun part though is when we are one car back in line and everyone is looking at the huge board trying to figger out exactly what they want, and the clock is tickin'...do i try something new? do i stick with the jones? ooooh what's THAT one? The brake lights in front of us dim and it's our turn...inevitably from the rear of Oddyseus' chariot comes,
Without fail it cracks me up...i should expect it by now, but EVERY time it just cracks me...did she just give me her order in third person? As if i can't i.d. her over the din of orders being nominated. Funnier still is that it doesn't stop at the snow cone shack its anywhere anytime...she did it to me today at lunch while running to her room to change out of her swim suit into some dry clothes....
"I WANT CHICKEN NUGGETS...THAT'S THE PROSECUTOR....!" and no one else is even talking...
i love those moments, i love my kids...they all are very, very comical without even trying...parenthood is just too freaking cool.
..... sounds like your children have a good thing going!......
.... I still remember the sound of the snowcone mobile's bell - even from out where I am in the sticks!.....
The Prosecutor could just be shortened to "The Cuter" 'cause she is just so dang cute.
That's a GREAT photo!
And yeah... parenting is just too cool, and Good On Ya for doing such a great job, Jay. Would that more people could appreciate the joys of the experience in our society, instead of being wrapped around various other axles. We'd be better off for it. I'll stop, coz I feel a rant coming on.
@Eric: Yah, i think they see it that way...but there are times...
@MamaLou: good point...yet it remains since 'cuter' is within the title. I suppose it does make for cuter prose though. ba-dum bum! Thankyou thankyou, i'm here all week.
@Buck: RANT ON BROTHA! i hear every word. and thankyou...we are trying VERY hard to instill rock solid values within them so that in the end they will invest the same in theirs, and so on...
I like "The 'Cuter" too! Fits her perfectly. I cannot wait see everyone and get my hugs! Uncle K
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