Wednesday, April 23, 2008


My good friends over at Microbrew's have started a, a real honest to goodness grape growing wine pressin' vineyard. Well, ok, they've gotten a few vines, we'll see if they actually produce something, but it'll be interesting to learn about it all. I'm pretty excited, and i haven't even been over to help dig or anything!

So anyway, make sure you check out her blog for updates. And submit your ideas. Right now they are in the process of trying to figure out the title for a label. I started to post my ideas in her comments and it got entirely too long, and in my blogvanity i couldn't let this languish in the comment box.

Hmmmm...a label idea for a vineyard in beautiful Velma, OK? This could be fun...

Vino du Velma? The Double V?

Everytime i think of Velma, i think of Velma Dace Dinkley. Who the hay is THAT you ask? Only the bespectacled brainiac hottie from Scooby Doo! So how aboooout... Jinkies! No? Man, you're hard to please!

How bout...Cowpatty Juice? Hmmmm...not quite there yet.

We need more Velma, does...Non Potable Water, grab ya?

MudTruck? Hey yeah! Now that's got some promise...picture this!

MudTruck Cabernet Sauvignon...
hmmmm sounds kinda French Redneck, no?

Well, ok maintaining the beautiful environs of MidEastern Stephens County bout...Pumpjax! The "x" is cool, yes?

Ohhhh ohhh i think i GOT IT! Comet! I've even got a ditty!

" makes your teeth turn green, tastes like Listerine,
Comet, it makes you vomit,
so get some Comet, and vomit, today!"

oh ok...i'll be good.

I really do have a fantastic idea for you...but i'll let you squirm for a bit longer. Just so you know...this one is the freaking bomb! i think your gonna LOVE IT! I gotta go to Snooth and see if its already taken, if it is i'll be heartbroken.

p.s. I checked Snooth...this one is free and clear...well, maybe not free.


campfire stories said...

honestly piper I like your ideas. you may not know who this is so I'll tell ya. I'm the "little" scout who mowed that beautifyl lawn of yours.

Buck said...

Hmmm. "Vomit Comet" stirs up some unpleasant memories for me, what with having ridden a few in my day. Not of the true astronaut training variety, mind you. More of the kamikaze wanna-be "there's a HOLE in the WX, Hang ON!" kind...

Inquiries said...

Velma consists of gas stations, churches, and oil.

A vineyard is an interesting addition.

Course of Perfection said...

Jinkies, Zoinks, Ruh-Roh, & Like no way man!...Vomit Comet? Poetic, One who plays the bagpipe.

Anonymous said...

.... I swear, that must have been on SNL back when we were kids or something... as I know that exact same ditty....


The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

Uncle Buck: thanks for the informative link!

E: Dude, can you tell me the real name of the song that goes to? its driving me crazy!